Why is Twitter blocking ads on the lab leak theory?
The times have changed. The majority of the country now believes COVID-19 came from a lab leak in Wuhan. The share of Democrats who believe this jumped ten points to 42% recently. These Americans are joined by both the FBI and the Department of Energy who also report a lab leak as the likely origins of the disease.
On top of that, we know the NIH was illegally funding gain-of-function research in the Wuhan lab before the pandemic broke out. All that’s really left is for Congress to officially investigate and put the pieces together—which lawmakers like Briscoe Cain in Texas, Colton Moore in Georgia, and Eric Brakey in Maine have all pressured them to do.
So why is Elon Musk’s Twitter banning ads that discuss this information?
The White Coat Waste Project (WCW), a free market animal welfare group that first discovered the Wuhan funding and is responsible for most of the information we have on the matter (and where I am a Fellow), has been working to bring to light these matters. This is of massive consequence as we are still reportedly backing this kind of research, and as we could all very much be in danger if the same safety protocols that likely broke down in Wuhan happen again.
But when WCW tried to run ads on the social media platform highlighting their work and pushing for answers, the ads were rejected for containing “distasteful references to COVID19, a sensitive event.” Twitter said that, due to this, the ads violated their inappropriate content policy and even explicitly told WCW that “the messaging around COVID-19 would need to be softened.”
Dude. What?
We don’t need the truth to be softened, we need it to be brought to light.
Furthermore, these ads were hardly edgy. See for yourself.

For three years now, those of us on the side of common sense and basic ascertainable data have had to fight an uphill battle just to discuss the truth. We’ve faced an endless parade of mockery, censorship, and bullying, and we’ve persevered because the facts are on our side and because of what is at stake.
It’s disappointing to see that even now, when the mainstream media and government itself are having to admit the virus likely came from a lab, there are still forces working to silence the details and prevent further investigations.
And Twitter isn’t the only guilty culprit. Some media outlets like the Washington Post, having had to admit the lab leak is the likely origins of the disease, are still working overtime to deny the fact that research our government funded was the impetus for the lab leak itself.
https://twitter.com/SchreckReports/status/1633487936980234245 https://twitter.com/SchreckReports/status/1633487940939644928
Why bother? If they have to admit the disease came from a lab, why do they want to hide the type of research that would have leaked from that lab?
The answer is actually pretty simple. They’re covering their tracks and the tracks of the “experts” like Fauci that they’ve been in bed with and misled by for three years.
In a recent statement, Justin Goodman, Senior Vice President at WCW said, “The more things change, the more they stay the same. Even under Elon, the partisans and parasites at Twitter are still abusing their authority and censoring the truth about animal testing in the #LabLeak and #BeagleGate.”
He continued, “Using the government’s own records, our investigations first documented how Fauci and the NIH funded dog torture at home and abroad and how white coats in Wuhan wasted tax dollars on reckless gain-of-function animal experiments that President Biden’s FBI and Energy Department, former heads of the FDA and CDC, and even Elon Musk himself believe caused COVID. It's shameful that Twitter is preventing us from simply letting taxpayers know about our work to stop big government bureaucrats from wasting $20 billion of their hard-earned money on cruel and dangerous animal experiments. The message we want to get out is simple: Stop the money. Stop the madness!"
For now, it looks like it is still on the backs of all of us to get the word out. It’s time to go guerrilla warfare against dangerous animal testing.
Hannah Cox is a Fellow for the White Coat Waste Project.
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