Even Californians Are Revolting Against High Taxes: New Poll
You know the Democratic Party is in trouble when even California voters start to revolt against its policies. And that’s the finding of new polling from the Public Policy Institute of California.
A whopping 72% of California adults think they pay more taxes than they should, the new survey finds.
This isn’t a partisan phenomenon. Almost half of Democrats, 48%, agree, in addition to an overwhelming majority of Republicans and independents.

Image Credit: PPIC
Per PPIC, the number of Californians who believe their state and local tax system is unfair has now hit a record high.

Image Credit: PPIC
These voters aren’t imagining things. According to the Tax Foundation, California has the 5th-highest state and local tax burden in the US, with an effective tax rate of 13.5%. (On top of all federal taxes).
It’s no coincidence that California is bleeding population while low-tax states like Florida are booming. You can’t tax your way to economic prosperity—and things are getting so bad in California that even staunch liberal voters are starting to realize it.
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